(Source: The News Pocket)
Ah, 2021. The year that started out with hope, only for COVID-19 and its never-ending variants to beat our optimism down. It’s been a difficult year, with pandemic restrictions never settling - always evolving, just like the coronavirus. But through it all, we still have much to be thankful for.
As human beings, we made it through another year - a tough one, at that. As students, we are now brimming with two more semesters’ worth of knowledge, ever closer to graduation and ready to take on the world.
Sure, 2021 may not have been ideal, and we may have suffered for it. But the time for licking our wounds has passed. It’s 2022 - a new beginning filled with new opportunities. So it’s time to look forward. To seize the day (or year).
If the uncertainty of the pandemic was to teach us one thing, it would be that every day is a new one. Tomorrow will be different. This year will be different.
So let’s do all we can to make 2022 our year - pandemic or not.
From CNM Types with love, here’s wishing you the happiest of new years. Remember, you can do anything you put your mind to. All the best!