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  • Writer's pictureWen Hui Cheng

Explore and STOCK up your media resources

After following through our previous series on various tools (Photoshop and Canva), I am sure all of you can't wait to use what you have learnt and explore those platforms.

But hold on! As a fellow creator, it is crucial we respect and acknowledge content and properties belonging to other creators. And so, we should not simply use any contents available online for any uses without following the creators' demands regarding the usage of their properties.

However, fear not! We have compiled a lists of platforms you can explore for stock resources😉

Photos, Illustrations, Vectors & Videos

There are over 1,188,454 free photos, illustrations, and vectors and videos available for you to explore!

Reminder: Always double check the license for all stock resources you use! 😉

*Good spot if you are exploring for food aesthetic photos🙂

8. Foca


Tunes and ambience sounds are crucial add-ons to your videos. They are like cheese 🧀 in pizzas. Same for photos and videos, always check if the various sites have their individual requirements for attribution! 😉

Don't forget to credit Adam Vitovsky for his contributions🙂

Here's all from me! Hope all these resources will help you create the best creative works you can imagine. What are you waiting for? Go explore and be your own artists 😆

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