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We are the
Communications and New Media (CNM) Society from the National University of Singapore and we thought the metal staircase that leads up to the CNM department would make for a cool banner.

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About Us


Are you lost creating your study plan? Unsure which mods you can S/U? 

Confused about SEP administrative processes?

We've been there. In this series, we, your CNM seniors, are here to break down and clarify everything about how university and CNM works.

This is:  explained. 



We like white shoes and we cannot lie. Come meet the cool people who form the 19th CNM Society Exco, and the even cooler work we do.


haha new content go brr

From academics to student lifestyle, our CNM Types blog team is constantly on the lookout for new, engaging stories to tell.
See what we've been writing recently!

No events at the moment


CNM Playroom, AS6, 5 Arts Link,
National University of Singapore, Singapore 117570


  • NUS CNM Instagram
  • NUS CNM Facebook
  • NUS CNM Youtube

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